Friday, December 16, 2011

Caution: Fragile

There are some moments in life that will define you, change your perspectives and sometimes even the whole foundation of your seemingly invincible world. Age has an effect on you like that. When we are young, we seem and always feel like we are unbreakable, strong and solid.  Once in a while something happens, an incident that will change that view and that feeling forever.

For me that defining moment, the conception of age does not imply that we are invincible and strong came in the form of an accident. A motorbike accident. Recently a close friend of mine got into a bike accident. He is still in the hospital today. His condition fluctuates every now and then. It is really a trying time. My friends and I are all trying to stay optimistic for his sake but also we are trying to hold it together for one another.

For a very long time now, the most important friendships in my life have been marked with immense gratitude on my side. Filled mostly with  laughter, good times and fulfilling experiences. This incident or should i say accident is the first phenomenon in my opinion that would test the depth of the friendship I have in this circle. Judging from the way things are going, without a doubt I can say for sure that I have a pretty solid group of friends.

The greatest lesson that I am able to draw from my friend's accident is about the fragility of the human condition. That at the end of the day, we are not as strong, as solid or as unbreakable as we think we are. That being young does not mean that we can and should flirt with life. As with the condition of my friend, only time will tell if  he will be able to fully recover. Hoping for the best but I take comfort in the fact that he is not alone in his struggle.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Just being

I have been thinking a lot about authenticity lately. It's amazing how people try extremely hard to be a different. To be individualistic. But in the end we just end up going with what is popular. Or rather what is every often phrased as " customary or formality". The way I see it. To hell with formality or being mannered. I really do not give a damn about being nice or decent to people who I have no interest in trying to please. Why put in effort to be extra nice to people who you have no respect for whatsoever. I mean isn't the whole point of life is to live authentically. I think for that to happen. We need to be true to ourselves foremost. That is the essential point to begin with. Your thoughts and opinion must be manifested by your actions. From the very little years of experience I have about life and my limited wisdom, all I can say now is that I just want to focus on being.

To be perfectly realistic and pragmatic, you can't function if you live for others. Of course people are entitled to their opinions and the way they feel. But beyond this ,I think it is equally important not to fake it. I know this might seem shallow and people may argue that as you grow older, you need to look at the bigger pictures. Sometimes people have to do what they do not want to do so that they " give face" or some shit like that. But if some people just simply do not matter to you. Why try? I think we all should just focus on the people that matter to us and screw the rest man. period.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

national day.

Today Singapore celebrates her national day. In other words the people are paying tribute and maybe even appreciating the ability of nation states to self govern. Something that would not have been possible without gaining independence.

As I reflect upon the meaning and significance of independence day or national day. My thoughts keep going to my home. Malaysia has been a self-governing nation for more that half a century now. While good things have come out from our ability to steer and direct our own nation, we are also forced to look upon the decisions and direction that we have made. The consequences of our action and what it means to us and the future generation.

Gaining national independence and sovereignty is no small feat and I can appreciate the fact that it's something  worth remembering. However having the opportunity to celebrate national day also implies that there is a responsibility that goes along with it. A heavy responsibility actually. This is because we can no longer blame others for the circumstances and domestic problems that we face as an independent nation. We become solely responsible for every success and failure we face as a nation. So as we remember the joy and liberty that comes with having the opportunity to self-govern, let us not forget that with independence comes responsibility and also consequences. That self-government do come with a heavy price and we need to treasure it and more importantly make national independence something that is worth celebrating and appreciating for the future generations.

Happy Birthday Singapore.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


I used to believe strongly that some people are meant to be in your life forever. Regardless of what happens between them and more importantly, what the circumstances are. However I have been back home for 2 weeks now and I realized that the most significant friendships and social relationship requires a minimum amount of effort. All kinds of social relationships require effort. The problems comes when you need to decide on which relationships that you want to foster and nurture. You can't have it all not when you have limited time. The tension between the time you have and the relationships that you want to maintain and foster are quite tricky. Hence careful consideration is needed, and deciding on who should stay in your life and which relationships to sacrifice will always be one of the most difficult decision that anyone can make. But I think I am blessed because I always knew who mattered to me and who I wanted to in life forever. So here is to good friends and relationships. Oh how i love people.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bloody Murder

I was watching the news yesterday. One of the highlights reported in Channel News Asia I found very disturbing. It is regarding police brutality in Pakistan that resulted in a public outcry for justice. So the story goes that an UNARMED teenager was shot my paramilitary forces. In a statement given by the Pakistani authority however is that the teenager was armed. Upon further investigation the teenager was actually unarmed. The teenager was accused of robbery.

I was shocked and not surprisingly extremely upset about this incident. I think that whatever the crime the teenager was accused of , he at least deserved to be treated with dignity and in accordance to the law. He should have been tried in a court of law and punished accordingly. Whatever happen to social justice and the rule of law. The only responsibility that the police has is to protect the security of civilians and NOT punish and murder people accused of crimes. That is up to the legislature and should be done after proper and thorough investigation. Human life is not something anyone can take away with such careless abandon.

I hope that the Pakistani authorities would take harsh measures to prevent this from happening in the future. I do not want to think about another case happening nor do I want to imagine the state that our society has degraded into. The power and authority that the police has over civilians should be exercised with greater responsibility and  care. It is not meant to exhibit barbarity in which the paramilitary troops in Pakistan did to the teenager who might actually be innocent of the crimes that he has been accused of.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

the subconscious.

Ever felt like the only thing you needed to do was to go see a shrink? Because if you do not figure you out any time soon , you might just quite possibly loose your sanity and everything that you think you are? I guess this is just my turn right now. When you just can't wait to figure you out and you try to look for somebody , anybody to explain why you are the way you are. OR to put it in  crude terms, why are you so damn messed up?!

It's like what Mayer wrote in split screen sadness :

                    "I can't wait to figure out what is wrong with me.So i can say this is the way I used to be"

Sunday, May 15, 2011

the NEP and the future of Boleh Land

You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy
out of freedom.
What one person receives without working for, another person must work
for without receiving.
The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government
does not first take from somebody else.
When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because
the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the
idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get
what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.

Dr. Adrian Rogers,

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Talent or Skill ?

The GE 2011  of Singapore just recently came to a close. There is much hype about the plans and changes that the incumbent government plans to do in hopes of maintaining and enhancing its support base.

I noticed that the issues that Singaporeans are most concerned about are transportation, housing and more importantly Singapore's foreign policy with regards to the influx of foreigners into this tiny island.

I was having a chat with my aunt this afternoon regarding the elections and she spoke about her concern about foreign talent. My aunt was originally from Malaysia and she converted her citizenship for a Singaporean one. It is kind of ironic to have her speak about Singapore's future, however I guess that this island is her life now and she wants a place where she can live in with a sense of security.

My aunt noticed that most of the skilled workers, mechanics, technicians, plumbers and those who work in the industrial sectors of the economy are not Singaporeans. They are all foreigners and this statistics somehow worries her because with the degree of discontentment felt among Singaporeans because of the astronomical number of foreigners coming into this island the government might quite possibly reduce and tighten laws in regards to allowing in foreigners.

I think the problem starts here. If the government were to make the rules more strict, it would mean that it would be more difficult for foreigners to come into Singapore to work. This might appease Singaporeans for a while. However the question we need to ask is this-
       Are Singaporeans willing to work and take over the vacancies that will be created when foreigners leave. Who is going to do manual labor, work in the construction site, fix pipes and cars? Are Singaporeans willing to get their hands dirty. I think one of the greatest challenge that the government will face is in trying to strike a fine balance between employing skilled workers and simultaneously doing it in a way that does not irritate Singaporeans.

The government need to convince and persuade Singaporeans to get their hands dirty and elevate the status and perceptions that Singaporeans have towards these jobs. Then only I think Singaporeans can truly claim ownership over their country, when they are willing to convert their talents into skills not only in prestigious jobs but as well as the industrial ones. When this is realized, the government then will be more willing to tighten their immigration laws so that Singaporeans are given priority

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama dead. His ideals? -very much alive and kicking

It has been reported that Osama has been killed in a recent U.S army operation done at Pakistan.
His death was meet with approval from world leaders around the globe. This man could possibly be the most wanted man in the globe and his death more that anything proves U.S power and capability.

However, the joy over Osama's death doesn't change anything drastically. Yes, the mastermind behind Sept 11 has been defeated by the U.S army. One of most pervasive terrorist organisations in the world has lost its leader,but  it does not mean that terrorism has ended.

If anything, the death of Osama might spur his ardent followers to continue with their proclaimed holy war against the West.This might be done with a fervor more passionate before his death. It is important to note that people although moved and mobilized  to action by charismatic leaders, they are even greatly motivated and impassioned by ideals and ideologies. Terrorism is not dead. The question we need to ask ourselves is  this :
1)are we celebrating the death of one man who caused indescribable pain and injury to millions of people  by attacking the most powerful nation in the 21st century using Islamic fundamentalism as his rallying cry ? or are we just celebrating the death of Osama by which we are able seek closure with ourselves and our misery? that we are finally being able to seek comfort in the fact that justice has been served?

Whatever our reason for welcoming the death of Osama, In my humble opinion, the death of Osama does not make the world a safer place. There are still people out there who share Osama's vision and they have dedicated their lives to this pursuit. We can only truly celebrate when there isn't any significant number of people in the world who are committed to acts of terrorism. We should only celebrate when the world can celebrate its differences without wanting to cause terror and harm towards other nations and peoples.

That my dear friends calls for a celebration. The death of Osama might relieve our sense of anger and injustice perpetrated by Osama's but there is a lot that we need to work towards and we must not lose sight of that. The goal is not to kill Osama but to end terrorism. I do not know if that is possible, but I dream for a better future for all of us.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Today is my last paper for my year 2. This means that i am officially done with year 2 of my undergraduate career. Ending of examinations calls for a celebration. Not so much because I am sure of doing well but because I have endured tremendous stress and pressure to sit for these examinations.

However my intention of writing this blog entry is not to discuss me and my examinations or my petty emotional distress regarding the examinations.Rather I just want to talk about education in general.

I came across Patrick Teoh's blog about a math question that his son was required to answer. There wasn't any problem with the question per se  but rather I have an issue with the way in which the math question was asked. The English used is horrendous beyond comprehension. It is so sad to see the level of English that educators possess. I am genuinely worried about the future of our country and younger generation. They certainly deserve better than the crap we have at the moment.

Its a whole generation of young Malaysians that we are talking about here. I have no idea if our government has any idea about the magnitude of damage they are doing to our education system. Education is the primary source of national development and progress and what we are doing is impeding the potential of progress that our country can achieve through lowering the standard of education. Instead of discussing important issues such as the standard of education and English in our country, it appears to me that our politicians are more interested in petty infighting regarding issues that virtually no one cares about such as why husbands cheat on their wife, why other races are not loyal to the country and about giving everyone a one Malaysia account!

This is my plea to the government to get their priorities right.It would be such a shame to allow the standard of education to go down the drain just because our politicians are too busy trying to plot and scheme for ways to stay in power.

This is the link to Patrick Teoh's blog regarding the math question, try not to laugh =)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

mental saturation or rather exhaustion

Hello world,
It is the period of the time of the semester again. The much dreaded, final examinations. Thus begins the endless reading through of lecture notes and books. The much needed but rarely gotten sleep. The feeling of being perpetually hungry because you are actually using that much of metal energy to get the best possible results when the results for the examinations are released.

This is when people around you get annoyed / upset with you because the only thing that you are able to do day in and day out is study, then eat and then continue studying then repeat until exams end. You ignore everything that begs for your attention and love because the only thing you can think about is exams and how badly you are going to screw up. Your fears may be actually true or alternatively it also can be your internal paranoia. Whatever it is, the situation seems beyond repair and your life is over if you do not do well.

The trick here is to balance your emotional turmoil of paranoia, fear and stress while simultaneously trying your level best to focus and do the best you can to your ability. This is not a easy feat to be accomplished and hence this is for every NUS students mugging for your examinations. Know that you are not alone and this is not deterministic of your future.

TIRED !! RAWR ....

Thursday, April 14, 2011

of Human Stupidity

Last week, I came across an article about the comment made by one of the Malaysian Member of Parliament, Ibrahim Ali.
The gist of his comment is this:

  Men commit extramarital affairs because their wife's are not fulfilling their duties. Hence husbands look elsewhere to satisfy their sexual urges.

Inferring from what he said, to put it bluntly , this moron is suggesting that the fault lies on women when their husband cheat. I am not sure if i should feel enraged, amused or confused by his statement. I would not say that I am a radical feminist but putting the blame on women for their husband's transgression is something that I will not accept to say the best. I cannot begin to comprehend how can he come up with such a logic.

Being a women, I can say with confidence and conviction that if god forbids I should  find myself in such a situation, blaming myself would be the last thing I will ever do. Cheating is cheating. There is no justification for cheating and I do not think that it is very wise for an MP to make such comments.

The least a husband can do is admit their fault and ask for forgiveness. However I do not think that this is possible because of the egotistical nature of men. However having an MP justifying and defending cheating husbands is taking it to a whole new level.

What is the message that we are sending to young girls then?  That every injustice done to them are all their fault and that men are animals unable to  exercise self -restraint? Where is the respect we should confer to the women who work both at home and the work force to contribute to the economic growth of our country?

I am utterly disappointed and I am worried for the future of my country,this is not just any person making this statement. This is an MP, a representative we democratically elected in hopes of crafting a future for us  in which equality and respect can reign. Words carry a lot of weight especially when you are in a position of authority, the least he could have done is shut his mouth if he has nothing constructive to say.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

In rhymes

The days of youth,
Do not waste it away,
For you are only young once,
Take a leap of faith.

Be foolish and optimistic,
For no one blames the young for being idealistic.
Take chances, least you wonder what could have been,
Take chances not because its safe to do so,
But because you can afford to take those chances

The consequences might be heartbreaking,
But no one said it would be easy,
It would just mean that at one point in your life
You had the courage you never knew you had

While your young, you might not be as wise
But do not settle for experienced advice
Wisdom may serve you well
But naive hope will open doors for unbounded experiences
And maybe in that experiences itself
We would find the meaning to our lives

Monday, March 14, 2011

The idealism of Ibrahim Gambari

Today I had  a guest lecture for my foreign policy and diplomacy class. It was an honor and privilege to have been given the opportunity to listen to Mr. Ibrahim Gambari speak to a class of interested and hopeful political scientist. 

Mr. Ibrahim Gambari is the United Nations Special Representative for Darfur. It his address to us, he was speaking about the foundations of the United Nations and his work and passion in pushing for the adherence of human rights around the world.  Mr. Ibrahim was truly his own person. He spoke with such passion , grace and conviction for the rights of each and every human being that lives in this world.

Being political scientists and hailing from Singapore especially, my classmates were naturally very skeptical about the idea of advancing the adherence of human rights to the rest of the world. Singapore's foundation largely lies on pragmatism and feasibility. We can see this foundations as the cornerstones in which Singapore has engineered their policies which in my opinion is a noteworthy achievement considering the growth and development of Singapore thus far.

For anyone who have lived in Singapore long enough would be able to guess the kind of questions that my classmates would inevitably ask. This one question struck me the most and in turn lead me to write this up.

The question was : Is working on encouraging countries to adhere to the basic observation of human rights an idealistic one? Why does the UN work so hard to try and push for the observance of democratic principles and human rights when clearly most countries violate human rights all the time and usually are able get away with it.

Mr.Ibrahim responded by saying something that I will never forget for the rest of my life. His response reminded me on why I choose to major in political science and more specifically why I wanted to work for the United Nations.

" The whole foundation of the UN is an idealistic one. So what if countries still commit gross violation of human rights? Does it mean that we should stop trying and dismantle the UN? Should we just give up and watch as our fellow human beings are being tortured everyday without any reason?"

Idealism allows us to dream of a better future, there are two types of people in the world.Those who look at reality and say that it cannot be changed and the second group of people who looks at reality and tries to bend it to fit an idealistic dream. Mr. Ibrahim Gambari fits in the second category of people. Because he believes that the promotion of human rights is a endeavour  worth pursuing DESPITE claims of it being idealistic. His commitment to the promotion  of human rights is simply inspirational and he has been working on this endeavour for 21 years.

It is ideals that we should try to achieve. Of course we might fail and the road to realize that ideal is steep and difficult to attain. But it is in our interest to promote and propagate human rights adherence for this simple reason:

         "Every violation of human rights to a person, is a violation to ourselves."

Nothing can be more poignant,potent , piercing about this statement. Mr.Ibrahim ended his talk by sharing a poem with us by Martin Niemoller which will remain with me always.

" In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Of rainbows

Live like you're dying.
This is one of the most memorable and widespread quotes of out time.
It is really easy to see why such a simple, ordinary and easy line carries so much weight.
The future is really not promised to anyone.
Sometimes it is easy to forget that we are not invincible.
Especially when we are in our youths, we conveniently forget that our time will soon come.
When we too will  join our peers in remembering the days gone by.

So forget about living prudently.
We are only promised today
It is our duty to live as if it would be our last.
All I know is I do not want to have any regrets.
So whenever there is an urge in me to do something,
I will not hesitate to take a leap of faith,
Because you might just end up discovering a rainbow on the other side.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

The idea of love and romance I suppose is a very appealing one. It gives you this sweeping sometimes seemingly irrational feeling of  abundant , explosive joy albeit a momentarily one. To be more precise, just  a mere 24 hours, a reason or rather an excuse to show affection, appreciation without risking being labeled as being to corny and cheesy.

It is hearting to know that people still value love and affection and all this mushy feelings to the point of dedicating a special day to profess love and adoration. It is really done out of the best intentions. We should make everyday Valentine's day because I believe it is important to let the people closest and dearest to us know how much they mean to us.

I am puzzled though by the recent comments by some parties in Malaysia about Valentine's day being 'haram' ,'sinful' and against Islam. I may not know the content of the Quran but I just can't wrap my mind around the idea  that celebrating valentine's day is immoral for Muslims. I might seem ignorant of the teachings of the religion but in my humble opinion, I don't think God would be mad or would punish us for showing our love and affection to the people that we love in ways we deem fit. The way I see it, we are made to love and that in itself gives our life some semblance of meaning and purpose. More importantly if there is a specially dedicated day in which we would be reminded about the importance of demonstrating our love to the people that matter the most to us, we should and must embrace the underlying idea of Valentine's say. No matter how cliche or irksome it is to some of us.

Of course we can choose not to celebrate V day but we must never reject the value and importance showing and telling people that we care and love them. After all its not about lovers, it is about EVERY single person that means the world to us and Valentine's day is just an instrument in allowing us to do so.
It is the idea and purpose of Valentine's day that we must remember.

happy valentine's day peeps =)

Monday, January 17, 2011


They say that the only constant in life is change. Everything is bound to change. I guess we all know that but somehow we hope that by trying to avoid thinking about it or acknowledging it , the painful change that is slowly creeping into our lives will go away. Perhaps change can be mitigated once we stop thinking about it.

Similar to the idea of mind over matter?  You think that your circumstances have not change and that it's all in your mind. You hope and wish that maybe you are over-thinking it and that in reality and actuality things have not change to the point that it has become alien to you. At least that is what you hope it is.

But sooner or later  like an incoming hurricane ,it hits you and all that you're left with is questions. Questions of why, what and most significantly how in the world did you allow such unrecognizable  changes to happen to your life. A life in which you are supposed to be the master of your destiny. The captain of your world. The life in which you are given the wheel to steer. Any direction.Without limitation or restriction.

The outcome you get? is the realization that you are only human and it is difficult and sometimes even heart breaking because you can't steer life without changing it. And that sometimes conscious effort is needed to make changes for the best, for the future, for yourself and for the best of others, the people you care about the most. Knowing, with every single. inevitable change. the  package of consequences which comes along is going to be filled with questions of 'what ifs' and the constant nagging at the back of your mind .Of things you should have done and things that you shouldn't have done. Just to make the changes that occurred  bearable and also maybe to make sense of the dissonance that is heavily weighing on your psyche.

But I figured that's just the human condition. Perhaps change is needed for us to know what matters to us the most. Maybe it takes change to know who are the people that matter to you the most and maybe just maybe, If we are lucky enough we would be given a second chance to go back and relive those memories in which we were the most happiest. The most content. A chance to live again. To breath again and to experience the reckless abandon as a child would in the meadows. The things  that we felt when we were kids before the recognition that we would not stay kids forever. Before we got to know that life is not always about pink cotton candies, funfair , carousel rides, rainbows and hop scotchs.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I have been living the campus life for the past one and the half years. Today i came back to that life after a blissful month of holidays. Then it all begins, all over again like a carousel.  For the next 13 weeks this would be life.

I came back to Singapore and attended to the work I needed to get done. Whilst in the midst of doing all the work and discussing issues regarding our  lives in hall I was reminded again why i do the work I do in hall.

The people I work with are so passionate about the work they do and it actually gives me hope. Hope that good people STILL do exist and that there are people,though not many who STILL cares about others and are willing to do everything they can to ensure that the community that they are involved in, gets the best out of their tenure and efforts.

Of course this would all be a naive assumption, but sometimes all we have to do is choose to believe in the goodness of people. Faith , that there are unselfish deeds and work and actions that people are capable of achieving and executing. I think we all need that little dosage of faith cause faith brings about hope. Besides I think that with all the negativity in the world, faith and hope will do our souls good because sometimes all you need is a little hope which enables us to keep trying and keep believing in the things that we are passionate about and perhaps most importantly to continue doing  and pursuing our passions. Especially when the fruits of our labor is not growing nor showing any signs of growth.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A day to go

It's amazing and strange at the same time , the feeling you get when the holidays are about to end and that you have to go back to routine and lead the life that you ought to live. Not because you actually enjoy it but because it's the safer choice.

Speaking about safer choices, a degree doesn't guarantee you anything anyway. You just end up being like everyone else. Qualified to get a job with a different range of pay that is... and  that is SUPPOSE to make all the difference and add meaning to the tertiary education that everyone is fussing about. I just wonder if it really will matter at the end of the day.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

the beginning

I figured that its a new year and i should do something that i would never ever in a million years  thought of doing. So viola,  I decided that I am going to start blogging. For sometime now, people have been asking me to blog and I never understood the reason why people spend time blogging about their lives.

I have always been critical about the motives of people writing about their personal life for the world to view and comment and you know inevitably make conclusions about you and your life and your realities. Having said that I think its the human condition to have our voices heard, to matter to someone out there who took the time to read the words we want to say but somehow was unable to do so  for various reasons and perhaps the feeling of peace we get when we express our thoughts and speak about the life we lead.

So people have a myriad of reasons to blog .I think if i were totally honest with myself, the reason i decided to blog is because aside from the obvious fact that i love writing, it is because writing is a huge part of me and I need to write to keep my sanity from the world and people i deal with everyday.   I have been writing since i was 8 and I still do write. Not electronically though, I have a journal i write in and I must say it's a pleasure to go back to it (the journal) every once in a while to relive old memories, lessons learned in the past and also to rediscover the person who wrote all those previous journal entries and see if  she is the same person as she was in the past.

So here is to a new beginning,of writing on the net though i still intend to keep writing in my manual, old school journal where i use a pen and a book .. I like flipping papyrus and looking at my handwriting. I am a narcissist that way =) only cause i write for myself and no one else.