Saturday, April 30, 2011


Today is my last paper for my year 2. This means that i am officially done with year 2 of my undergraduate career. Ending of examinations calls for a celebration. Not so much because I am sure of doing well but because I have endured tremendous stress and pressure to sit for these examinations.

However my intention of writing this blog entry is not to discuss me and my examinations or my petty emotional distress regarding the examinations.Rather I just want to talk about education in general.

I came across Patrick Teoh's blog about a math question that his son was required to answer. There wasn't any problem with the question per se  but rather I have an issue with the way in which the math question was asked. The English used is horrendous beyond comprehension. It is so sad to see the level of English that educators possess. I am genuinely worried about the future of our country and younger generation. They certainly deserve better than the crap we have at the moment.

Its a whole generation of young Malaysians that we are talking about here. I have no idea if our government has any idea about the magnitude of damage they are doing to our education system. Education is the primary source of national development and progress and what we are doing is impeding the potential of progress that our country can achieve through lowering the standard of education. Instead of discussing important issues such as the standard of education and English in our country, it appears to me that our politicians are more interested in petty infighting regarding issues that virtually no one cares about such as why husbands cheat on their wife, why other races are not loyal to the country and about giving everyone a one Malaysia account!

This is my plea to the government to get their priorities right.It would be such a shame to allow the standard of education to go down the drain just because our politicians are too busy trying to plot and scheme for ways to stay in power.

This is the link to Patrick Teoh's blog regarding the math question, try not to laugh =)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

mental saturation or rather exhaustion

Hello world,
It is the period of the time of the semester again. The much dreaded, final examinations. Thus begins the endless reading through of lecture notes and books. The much needed but rarely gotten sleep. The feeling of being perpetually hungry because you are actually using that much of metal energy to get the best possible results when the results for the examinations are released.

This is when people around you get annoyed / upset with you because the only thing that you are able to do day in and day out is study, then eat and then continue studying then repeat until exams end. You ignore everything that begs for your attention and love because the only thing you can think about is exams and how badly you are going to screw up. Your fears may be actually true or alternatively it also can be your internal paranoia. Whatever it is, the situation seems beyond repair and your life is over if you do not do well.

The trick here is to balance your emotional turmoil of paranoia, fear and stress while simultaneously trying your level best to focus and do the best you can to your ability. This is not a easy feat to be accomplished and hence this is for every NUS students mugging for your examinations. Know that you are not alone and this is not deterministic of your future.

TIRED !! RAWR ....

Thursday, April 14, 2011

of Human Stupidity

Last week, I came across an article about the comment made by one of the Malaysian Member of Parliament, Ibrahim Ali.
The gist of his comment is this:

  Men commit extramarital affairs because their wife's are not fulfilling their duties. Hence husbands look elsewhere to satisfy their sexual urges.

Inferring from what he said, to put it bluntly , this moron is suggesting that the fault lies on women when their husband cheat. I am not sure if i should feel enraged, amused or confused by his statement. I would not say that I am a radical feminist but putting the blame on women for their husband's transgression is something that I will not accept to say the best. I cannot begin to comprehend how can he come up with such a logic.

Being a women, I can say with confidence and conviction that if god forbids I should  find myself in such a situation, blaming myself would be the last thing I will ever do. Cheating is cheating. There is no justification for cheating and I do not think that it is very wise for an MP to make such comments.

The least a husband can do is admit their fault and ask for forgiveness. However I do not think that this is possible because of the egotistical nature of men. However having an MP justifying and defending cheating husbands is taking it to a whole new level.

What is the message that we are sending to young girls then?  That every injustice done to them are all their fault and that men are animals unable to  exercise self -restraint? Where is the respect we should confer to the women who work both at home and the work force to contribute to the economic growth of our country?

I am utterly disappointed and I am worried for the future of my country,this is not just any person making this statement. This is an MP, a representative we democratically elected in hopes of crafting a future for us  in which equality and respect can reign. Words carry a lot of weight especially when you are in a position of authority, the least he could have done is shut his mouth if he has nothing constructive to say.